Search Results

Located five miles below Weston in Lewis County.

39529. Iron Bridge Over West Fork River, Butchersville, W. Va.

39530. Dam on West Fork River in Weston, Lewis County, W. Va.

Looking up stream, located near the West Virginia state line.

39531. Falls at Ohiopyle on Youghiogeny River, Pa.

Killed September 16, 1944 while fighting near Metz, France during World War II. Schneider's unit was under the command of General George Patton.

39532. Alvin M. Schneider, Tech 5, 33rd Armored Engineer Battalion, 3rd Army, from Helvetia, W. Va.

Elevated view of downtown Grafton. The courthouse is center-left and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad roundhouse is center-right.

39533. Grafton, Taylor County, W. Va.

The Barton mine was owned by the Pardee-Curtin Lumber Company. The town of Barton later became known as Curtin.

39534. Elevated View Mine No. 2 at Barton, Webster County, W. Va.

Located at the corner of Market and 22nd Streets, only identified subjects are Dr. R. H. Bullard with his horse and buggy. Other information included with the photograph, "Dr. J. A. Campbell office over drug store; Mr. Chas. Menkemeller lived over drug store; John Coleman, Harry Mooney and Martin Wayman worked at the drug store; [Later renamed Oldes Prescription Drug Store]; Next door is J. F. Miller Cigar Store. 2151 Market St., Next door is Mr. P. Flug Sloone, Next Door is Mr. A. F. Stauver Jewelry Store."

39535. Central Drug Store, Charles Menkemeller, Dispensing Pharmacist, Wheeling, W. Va.

Making plans for organizing West Virginia Pharmaceutical Assn. Identified front row L to R: 1.John Coleman, 2. Alex Young; 3. Unidentified; 4. John G. McLain; 5. John Kean; 6. G. H. Ebeling; 7. ___ Gordon; 8. W. S. McElroy; 9. John Klari; 10. O. P. Sydenstricker; 11. Charles Goetze; 12. Charles Menkemeller; 13. Ernest Hoge; 14. John Ehrle; 15. W. W. Irwin; 16. Harry Stewart; 17. Christian Schneph; 18 Marion Young; 19. R. W. Schnelle; 20. Dr. Manley; 21. Chatham Sinclair; 22. Louis Schrader

39536. Ohio Valley Druggists Meeting, Wheeling Park, W. Va.

See back of the original photograph for correspondence attached.

39537. Meeting of Ohio Valley Druggists, Wheeling Park, W. Va.

Group Portrait of unidentified students and instructors of the WVU School of Mines-Extension Short Course.

39538. West Virginia University School of Mines, Class of 1949, Beckley, W. Va.

Rear view of a display showing several huge pieces of coal.

39539. West Virginia Mining Exhibit, World's Fair, Chicago, IL

Merchandise sold at the store included dry goods, cloaks and millinery apparel.

39540. C. Frank Ellis Store in Grafton, W.Va.