Search Results

Ed Chambers is  on the right. "Two Gun" Sid Hatfield on the left. The bottom is the courthouse at Welch. The x marks the spot where where Chambers and Hatfield were killed. 1921 strike. 'See [Lee's] book page 69.'

4213. Chambers, Ed and 'Two Gun' Sid Hatfield

Top Row: C. T. Higgins, Albert Felts and Lee Felts. Bottom Row: C. B. Cunningham, A. J. Booher, E. C. Powell, and J. W. Ferguson. 'Pix used on page 56 of [Lee's] book.'

4214. Baldwin-Felts Detectives Killed in Matewan Massacre

Children along a fence watch mules outside a barn. 'Mine mules enjoying a vacation. First time out of the mines in two years.'

4215. Mine Mules Enjoying A Vacation

4216. Miners' Children Dredging Coal Out of the Lackawanna River

Two bakers stop for a picture.  Possibly American Friends Service Committee members.

4217. Scott's Run Bakers with Bread

Bob Hunt, a blind man, is in photo.

4218. Scott's Run Workers in the Kitchen

'E.T., F.S. (Florence Sidwell?), W.S., A.M. (Alton Mackay).'

4219. Scott's Run Workers, Scott's Run, W. Va.

Foster Molisee (left), Bushrod Grimes (2nd from left), Unknown Girl, Miss Burge (Right.)

4220. Scott's Run Workers Foster Molisee and Bushrod Grimes Pose with Two Unidentified Women

'Negotiating teams for the soft coal industry, top, and the United Mine Workers resume talks Monday in Washington. At top are Peter Palumbo, left, and B.R. 'Bobby' Brown representing the soft coal industry. At bottom from left are Walter Suba, Sam Church, president United Mine Workers, and Harrison Combs, general counsel for the UMW. The negotiators are working against a midnight deadline in the search for a tentative contract settlement in hopes of averting a nationwide strike. (AP Laserphoto)(see AP AAA wire story) (tm21226stf/daugherty) 1981  slug: Coal Talks.'

4221. Coal Talks Resume, Washington, D. C.

'Stotesbury, West Virginia, March 26--Miners out--Walking off the job after working their last shift are coal miners John Hosey (left) and Billy Rock (right) at the #8 mine belonging to Slab Fork Coal Company. Thursday marks the last day miners will work until a new United Mine Workers of America contract is negotiated. (AP Laserphoto )(James Samsell/str51930jls)1981.'

4222. Miners Walking off the Job, Stotesbury, W. Va.

'Group of typical foreign-speaking miners in the Schuylkill region.'

4223. Miners in the Schuylkill Region

Scene shows the Sunday that 5,000 miners and members of their families took the pledge.

4224. Scene Outside St. Gabriel's Roman Catholic Church, Hazelton, Pa.