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Portrait of Joe Ozanic.

4573. Ozanic, Joseph

Five men in front of I.B.E.W. Headquarters.  'Left to right: Jerry Gray, Asst. Bus-Mgr-IBEW Local 1141-Okla City; Oscar Pennington, Fin-Sec'y-Local 1141, Okla City; Raymond Duke, Bus-Manager, IBEW Local 1141-Okla City; Forrest Conlley, Int'l-Rep-IBEW, 7th Dist-Fortworth, Tex.; Me-Gumpo;  All these guys cooperating with me nicely and helping every way they can - but which due to them having their own work full time for their own local union cant do very much with me, except let me use their office anyway I want to, hold my mail for me from the Washington office, put me in touch with places I need to know, and how to find certain places and people, etc, etc-all of which helps a lot.  Duke and his wife did an awful lot of work for me helping out on my Open House Deal - buying the groceries and making the coffee and serving the people as they came in.  I appreciate it a lots.'

4574. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Headquarters

Cars surround the I.B.E.W. Headquarters in Oklahoma City during an educational conference.

4575. I.B.E.W. Headquarters during an Educational Conference, Oklahoma City, Ok.

Memorial at the Miner's Cemetery.

4576. Mother Jones Memorial, Miner's Cemetery, Mt. Olive, Illinois

'From Wide World Photos. Please use credit. AFL opens war on Lewis' miners. The newly chartered Progressive Miners Union, American Federation of Labor organization, opened their office here today as the first stop in the AFL campaign against John L. Lewis' CIO organization stronghold. Head of the new union is Joe Ozanic, sppointed last week in Washington by William Groon, AFL president. Photo shows Joe Ozanic, head of the Progressive Miners Union, at his Chicago office. With him is his 19-year-old daughter, Evelyn, who is also his private secretary.'

4577. Ozanic, Joseph With His Daughter, Evelyn

A group portrait of the officers of the Progressive Mine Workers of America and Women's Auxiliary.

4578. Officers of the Progressive Mine Workers of America and Women's Auxiliary

A group portrait of the First Consitutional Convention, PMWA District 5, Madisonville, KY.

4579. First Consitutional Convention, P.M.W.A. District 5, Madisonville, Ky.

A group portrait of the Participants of the Virden Riot, October 12, 1898.

4580. Participants of Virden Riot

A group portrait of the Progressive Mine Workers' Scale Committee that won the rights for a seven hour working day in 1937.

4581. Progressive Mine Worker's Scale Committee

'A.F. of L., Union Coal: President Green stopped and had this picture taken in front of a truck loaded with slabs of coal mines by the International Union, Progressive Mine Workers of America, the most recently chartered international union in the Federation. The foregoing are only a few of the exceptional exhibits  at the Exposition. The display was so vast and interesting that thousands of visitors made several trips to the Music Hall, so as not to miss anything.'

4582. American Federation of Labor President , William Green, with Coal Mined by Progressive Mine Workers of America

Joe Ozanic seated in a chair and speaking.

4583. Ozanic, Joseph

Joe Ozanic seated in a chair and speaking.

4584. Ozanic, Joseph