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Suhl, Germany

1. Cornelia Ladwig

Leo Bocage included this photograph in a paper he wrote as student at West Virginia University in 1946. The assignment was for veteran's to write about their experiences while in the military during World War II. The boys in the photograph are not identified.

2. Four Young Okinawans Enjoy Prank, Okinawa, Japan

West Virginia University student, Leo Bocage included this photograph in a paper he wrote in 1946 regarding his experiences while in the military during World War II. Fermenting sake was the Okinawa's largest industry.

3. Destroyed Sake Plant After Battle of Okinawa

Note the ships off the coast, on the horizon.

4. World War II United States Military Encampment at Okinawa, Japan

Ernie Pyle was an "embedded" reporter who wrote from the trenches, during world War II. His columns were popular because he focused on the GIs fighting the war. He was killed by Japanese machine gun fire on the island of Ie Shima, Okinawa.  The inscription on the memorial reads, " At This Spot The 77th Division Lost A Buddy, Ernie Pyle, 18 April 1945".

5. Memorial for World War II Correspondent Ernie Pyle, Ie Shima Island, Okinawa, Japan

A raumbild-verlag (stereocard) of the destroyed theater after the Allied attacks during World War II

6. Residence Theatre in Ruins, Munich, Germany

The town of Dachau dates back to the Middle Ages and at one time was home to many of Germany's artists.

7. Dachau In Ruins Around Time of Liberation of Concentration Camp, Dachau, Germany

Building in back cente and right, is still burning as people carry what belongings they have left with them in the streets.

8. German Citizens After U.S. Occupation of City, Germany

Information included with the photograph,"Overall view showing the damage done by the RAF and the U.S. Eighth Air Force to the Deutsche Dunlop A.G. Tire and rubber factory at Hanau. The widespread destruction in this plant severely cut part of the German tire production for motor vehicles. This part of the plant ceased to produce after the last air attack that left it the mass of twisted girders and rubble shown." See the back of the original photograph for more information.

9. Deutsche Dunlop A.G. Tire and Rubber Factory In Ruins, Hanau, Germany