Search Results

361. Ice Jam on Allegheny River, Foxburg, Pa.

362. St. Mary's High School, St. Mary's, W. Va.

"Uncle Dave Green worked here."

363. Man Stands In Railroad Machine Shop, One Mile South of Foxburg, Pa.

364. James Edwin Green Jr. in His Kilt

365. Gus Rupert and His Wife, Foxburg, Pa.

An unidentified man is cutting wheat with a cradle.

366. Harvesting Wheat on T.J. Taylor's Farm, Orchard View Farm, St. Mary's, W. Va.

Rig was used to remove grain from stalks.

367. Threshing Rig Traveling Down Road Past Fields

Front row left to right: Amanda Catherine (Rupert) Gilly, Daniel Rupert a Civil War Veteran, was part of Union Artillery, Pennsylvania Unit, was assigned to the defense of Washington D.C., although could have done other things, David Johnson Rupert, Rachel Ann (Rupert) Hookey. Back row left to right: Emma Elizabeth (Rupert) Deen-Yount, Augustus George Rupert, Mary Jane (Rupert) Green, Wilhelmenia Cornelia (Rupert) Jolley, John Wesley Rupert, and Alice Amelia (Rupert) Porterfield.

368. Daniel Rupert With His Nine Children, Foxburg, Pa.

From left to right: James Green (photographer), Grace, T.B. Green, Ray, Charles, Mary, Claude, Dave.

369. Green Family Portrait Outside in Snow

Plate envelope titled "Lilies".

370. Mary Rupert Green in J.E. Green's Yard and Garden, Foxburg, Pa.

Dedicated in June of 1912.

371. M.E. Church, Foxburg, Pa.

First row: Shrader, Saunders, Gray, Yoke, Jolt, Powell, Seigrest, McClaugherty, Connell, Foster, Morris. Second row: Bannister, Greene, Hogstead, Brooks, Clark, Bond, Nickell, Carr, Mark, Bailey, Barne, Greene. Third row: Fresh, Patterson, Raine, Tumer, Ellis, Lester, Seigreit, McFarland, Hogstead, Smith, Mahan.

372. Phi Sigma Kappa, Morgantown, W. Va.