Search Results

Photo taken from Green St. looking southwest.

433. Man Leaning Against Fence of St. Vincent's Catholic Church Facing Liberty St.

Built in 1908, this was the third building to serve as the court house.

434. Morgan County Court House, Berkeley Springs, W. Va.

"The first sand plants were crude sheds built in sections without much long range planning." Picture was developed on a very early Moray glass plate negative.

435. Man Standing in Yard of Unidentified Sand Plant

436. Possible Water Treatment Facility on Eastern Panhandle of W. Va.

437. Family Stands Around Gated Entrance to Home, Likely on Eastern Panhandle of W. Va.

Caption on back of photograph reads: "Dr. Carl Reiland of St. George Church, delivering the invocation at the dedication of the new Doctor's Hospital at East End Avenue at 88th Street. Left to right in the picture beside Dr. Reiland, are: Thomas Cochran, of J.P. Morgan and Company, President of the hospital; John W. Davis, former Democratic Candidate for President, who laid the cornerstone; and Dr. Alexander Lambert, member of the Board of Directors."

438. New Doctor's Hospital Dedication in New York City

Bee holds one of the highest winning percentages for a coach in NCAA Division I basketball history, 82.6%. He is also known as an innovator of the modern game of basketball, and is credited with the invention of the 1-3-1 zone defense and the three seconds rule. He was born in Grafton, West Virginia.

439. Clair Bee, Basketball Coach at Long Island University, N.Y.

Bee is the man on the right. He holds one of the highest winning percentages for a coach in NCAA Division I basketball history, 82.6%. He is also known as an innovator of the modern game of basketball, and is credited with the invention of the 1-3-1 zone defense and the three seconds rule. He was born in Grafton, West Virginia.

440. Clair Bee of Grafton, W. Va.

Bee is the man second from right. He holds one of the highest winning percentages for a coach in NCAA Division I basketball history, 82.6%. He is also known as an innovator of the modern game of basketball, and is credited with the invention of the 1-3-1 zone defense and the three seconds rule. He was born in Grafton, West Virginia.

441. Clair Bee of Grafton, W. Va.

Bee is the man on far right. He holds one of the highest winning percentages for a coach in NCAA Division I basketball history, 82.6%. He is also known as an innovator of the modern game of basketball, and is credited with the invention of the 1-3-1 zone defense and the three seconds rule. He was born in Grafton, West Virginia.

442. Clair Bee With Likely Members of One of His Basketball Teams Next to Airplane

443. Interior of Textile Mill, Preston County, W. Va.

444. Man Stands Between Looms in Textile Mill, Preston County, W. Va.