Search Results

Location is possibly Huntington.

541. Boarding Area for Atlantic Greyhound Bus Depot

542. Blossom Dairy Company Baseball Team Portrait In Front of Store, Charleston, W. Va.

543. Miner Drives Filled Coal Carts Outside of Mine

544. Coal Miner Wearing Headlamp Operates Machinery Inside of Mine

545. Coal Miner Working From His Knees Due To Extremely Low Ceiling

546. C.H. Jimison Construction Company, Initial Construction Stage of C and P Telephone Building, Montgomery, W. Va.

Cor. Virginia and Delaware.

547. Prescription Department of Camp Drug Company, Charleston, W. Va.

548. Prescription Department of Camp Drug Company, Charleston, W. Va.

549. Dr. Pepper Building, Charleston, W. Va.

Top of capital building can be seen in distance.

550. Grand Opening of Esso Service Center, P.J. Whittington Station, Charleston, W. Va.

551. Interior of Auto Repair Center at Esso Standard Oil Hoeferer Station

552. Galperin Music Company Display Window Featuring Charleston Symphony Orchestra, Charleston, W. Va.