Search Results

757. Rolling Stock Used on Railroad

758. Steam Powered Tractor Pulls Baling Machine, While Large Group Assists in Operation

759. Large Group of Children and Others Gathered on Railroad Tracks Observing Severely Damaged Train

Long tree trunks sticking out back of a railroad car are being utilized to help hold the weight while new section of bridge is lowered down into place. Several men stand on the hanging piece of bridge while others are out on the ends of tree trunks.

760. Adding on New Section of Bridge

761. Family Outside of Log Home

Several of the signs read: "Jaxon Soap", "Genuine Oliver Plows", "Instant Louse Killer", "The Speedy Exterminator of Vermin", and "To Cure a Cold in One Day, Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets".

762. Man With His Children on Front Deck of Unidentified Store

763. Horse Plough Team Harvesting Crops

764. Group of Kids Standing in Stagnant Water

765. Jenkins and Brown Horse Drawn Carriage Service

766. Farmhands Stand Atop Baler Being Pulled Behind Steam Powered Tractor

767. Group of People Stand Atop Small Entrance to Mine Along Edge of Cheat River

A turnverein is a German word for an athletic club, particularly dedicated to gymnastics.

768. Turnverein Concordia, Morgantown, W. Va.