Search Results

553. General Processing Equipment Corporation Plant, Charleston, W. Va.

554. General Processing Equipment Corporation Plant, Charleston, W. Va.

555. Goshorn Hardware Company, Charleston, W. Va.

556. Esso Standard Oil Float During Parade, Charleston, W. Va.

557. Kids at Standard Oil Company Soap Box Derby Service Center Along Road

558. Street View of The Him Store Window Display, Likely Charleston, W. Va.

559. Hannibal Lock and Dam on Upper Ohio River, New Martinsville, W. Va.

560. Indian Mound, South Charleston, W. Va.

561. Esso Standard Oil Company Employee With Three Other Men Preparing Equipment for Experiment

562. Esso Standard Oil Company Employee With Three Other Men Conducting an Experiment

Two men stand on top of ladder to get a better view.

563. Group Gathered On Rainy Day to Watch Parade, Likely in Charleston, W. Va.

Located on Bullitt Street.

564. Fruit and Produce Co. Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables Warehouse, Charleston, W. Va.