Search Results

The Bobcats pose for their team photo. Subjects unidentified.

13. Hinton High School Basketball Team, Hinton, W. Va.

The high school football team plays an unidentified team. Players also unidentified. A referee looks on as a player runs with the ball.

14. Hinton High School Football Game, Hinton, W. Va.

The band plays on the field while spectators watch from the bleachers. Referees pictured in conversation on the bottom right.

15. Hinton High School Marching Band at Football Game, Hinton, W. Va.

The high school's football team takes on an unidentified opponent. View from the bleachers show spectators lining the field on all sides.

16. Hinton High School Football Game, Hinton, W. Va.

First row, left to right: David Westfall; Pete Meador; Milton Haskins; Jurd (?); David Medly; Lyn Goins; Eddie Carson; Jack Harvy; and David Meadows.Second row, left to right: Rickie Ratcliff; Beetle Baily; Robbie Ratliff; Buggie Richmond; Mike Rhodes; Sarge Banks; Parker (?); Harold Buckland; Larry Meador; Terry Hamgan; and David Meador.Third row, left to right: unidentified; Lee Smith; Doug Epperly; Stoddard; Bobb Parker; Tom Woodrum; Tom Light; Atkins; Dennis Lindsy; Neal Grimmett; Bobby Joe Johnson; Bobby Brightwell.

17. Hinton Football Team, Hinton, W. Va.

A man with his hair slicked back stands behind a young girl in a dress, gripping her shoulders. The two unidentified persons stand in front of floral pots arranged outside a house's balcony.

18. A Man and Young Girl Pictured in West End of Hinton, W. Va.

Keatley, to the left, is the wife of Sheriff Keatley. The two women stand on the sidewalk outside a home.

19. Lennie Keatley and Associate Pictured in West End of Hinton, W. Va.

Keatley, pictured in the back, is the wife of Sheriff Keatley of Summers county. In the front wearing glasses is Phillips.

20. Portrait of Linnie Keatley and Blanche Phillips of Hinton, W. Va.

A group of men and one young boy stand in front of the C. & O. Fire Hose Station. O. P. Garten, husband of Ruby Garten, is third man from right in the back row. The remaining subjects are unidentified.

21. C. & O. Carpenters Force at Avis Railroad Yards, Hinton, W. Va.

Three unidentified men are pictured inside the telegraph office, where the ticket office was later located.

22. HX Telegraph Office, Hinton, W. Va.

Conductor O. J. Hellems, who died October 5, 1973, and sheet metal worker L. M. Reid are pictured.

23. Railroad Employees Sitting on Store Porch, Hinton, W. Va.

Engine No. 2101, named "Chessie Steam Special", is pictured on the C. & O. track.

24. Train at Hinton Yards, Hinton, W. Va.