Search Results

'Mud was a great enemy.'

733. Teamsters Hauling Oil Equipment Down a Muddy Road

Drawing of three men working with oil equipment.

734. Oil Men at Work

Sketch of two men holding a rope that is part of oil machinery.

735. Drillin' for Black Gold

736. Teamsters Hauling Oil Equipment Down a Muddy Road

Top photograph, men making bend in pipeline.  Bottom photograph, 'The Hope Navy' transporting oil tanks.

737. Making Fire Bends and 'The Hope Navy'

Line of horizontal engines.

738. Horizontal Engines with Big Fly Wheels

Line of horizontal engines with big fly wheels.

739. Horizontal Engines with Big Fly Wheels

Team of eight horses pulling a cart with oil equipment and crew.

740. Teaming in Oil Field No. 38, Shinnston, W. Va.

Men inspect the ruins of the Bridgeport Station after a tornado.

741. Bridgeport Station after Tornado

Men standing at the bottom of a wooden derrick.  Keen Wolf.  Bull Bayou.

742. Setting Up Drill No. 137

Row of horizontal engines at Jones Station.

743. Horizontal Engines at Jones Station

744. Work Crew Laying Oil Pipeline Across a River