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Storer College Football team in uniform near building.

601. Group Portrait of Storer College Football Team, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

A conference photo in Atlanta, Georgia. Back Row: Collier (Fla. Normal & Ind. Institute), Starks (Benedict Coll.), Dansby (Jackson Coll.), Clark (Va. U.), McDonald (Univ. Storer), Bacoats (Leland Coll.). Front Row: Daniel (Shaw U.), Nelson (Dillard U.), Read (Atlanta Univ.), Dr Frank W. Padelford, Dr. Frank A. Smith.

602. Group Portrait at Educational Conference, Atlanta, Ga.

Picture taken at Haywood Shepard Memorial Ceremony

603. Haywood Shepard Memorial Ceremony

Governor's Conference at Storer College. Pres. McDonald sitting in bottom row.

604. Group Portrait of Governor's Conference