Search Results

'This photo was published in the Report of W. Va. State Board of Control, Volume VIII, Part II, 1924.'

673. First Medical School, West Virginia University

674. First Medical School, West Virginia University

675. Medical Building, West Virginia University

676. Students in front of Elizabeth Moore Hall, West Virginia University

677. Steps Leading to Walk in front of E. Moore Hall, West Virginia University

'I. C. White, wife and daughter on White property, site of present Chemistry Building Annex.  The entire White property now is the site of the Mineral Industry (White Hall) Building, Library, Chemistry Building, and Annex.  In front of Mechanical Hall, Prospect Street where library is now.'

678. Israel C. White Family Feeding Chickens behind Mechanical Hall II, West Virginia University

679. Horse and Buggy in front of Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University

680. On the Path to Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University

681. Students in Front of E. Moore Hall, West Virginia University

682. Lounging on East Steps, Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University

683. Student Health Center, Now Called Carruth Center, West Virginia University

684. Student Health Center, Now Called Carruth Center, West Virginia University