Search Results

View of houses and grounds from the road.

45289. Rockley Road by Cheat River

The historic furnace can be found at Cooper's Rock State Forest.

45290. Henry Clay Furnace

45291. Gertrude Hayes of Morgantown, W. Va.

45292. Gertrude Hayes, Age 15, of Morgantown, W. Va.

45293. Anna J. Camisa and Guido Camis Canoeing on Cheat River

Pictured in front of the house are Anna Johnson and Katie Fitch.

45294. New Year's Day at Judge Dayton's Home, Phillipi, W. Va.

The women sitting on the porch steps with the pet dog.

45295. Katie Fitch, Anna Johnson, and Mrs. Judge Dayton, Phillipi, W. Va.

See original for photo roster.

45296. Group Portrait

45297. Sisters Gertie, Molly, and Myrtie at 305 Fayette Street Home in Morgantown, W. Va.

Pictured in the photo are siblings Catherine Finnell (Aunt Kitty), Charles W. Finnell, Jr., and Margaret Finnell.

45298. The Finnell Family on Spruce Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

Camisa stands before his home in the South Park area of the city.

45299. Guido Camisa in South Park, Morgantown, W. Va.

Built in 1914 on the south side of Cheat River, upstream from Quarry Run.

45300. 'The Shack', Residence of Anna L. Johnson