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37. Crowd Applauds 'The Wheeling Musical Steelmakers' Performance, Orchestra for 'It's Wheeling Steel' Radio Broadcast

38. Crowd Applauds Performance on 'It's Wheeling Steel' Radio Broadcast

39. Parade Car Driving Dorothy Anne Crow and Ardenne White, Performers on 'It's Wheeling Steel', at Parade in Wheeling, W. Va.

The Steel Sisters (Lois Mae Nolte, Harriet Drake, and Lucille Bell) were regular performers on "It's Wheeling Steel" radio broadcast. They eventually left the broadcast to tour with Horace Heidt and his orchestra.

40. Lois Mae Nolte of Steel Sisters With Unidentified Dance Partner

41. Parade Car Driving 'The Singing Millmen', Performers on 'It's Wheeling Steel', During Parade, Wheeling, W. Va.

42. Parade Car Driving 'The Singing Millmen', Performers on 'It's Wheeling Steel', During Parade, Wheeling, W. Va.

Orchestra leader Tom Whitley is the man wearing glasses on far left pointing forward. The orchestra was the primary performer on "It's Wheeling Steel" radio broadcast. The show was eventually taken to the road, as evident by the "coast to coast" sign.

43. Wheeling Musical Steelmakers Riding in Truck During Parade, Wheeling, W. Va.

44. Performers on 'It's Wheeling Steel' Dressed as Candy Stripers

45. Steel Sisters and Other 'It's Wheeling Steel' Performers on Stage

"It's Wheeling Steel" was a radio broadcast used to advertise Wheeling Steel Corporation products and their talented employees. The entire operation was ran by employees or immediate family members of the company, the first all employee broadcast.

46. 'It's Wheeling Steel' Radio Show Producer Maury Longfellow

47. Steel Sisters Perform on 'It's Wheeling Steel' Radio Broadcast on NBC's Blue Network

48. Audience for Radio Program 'It's Wheeling Steel'